The Adventures of the Halstead Fam!

9 Months? Check! Thanksgiving? Check!

Last week Samuel hit the 9th month of life and, as usual, he is proudly rocking this thing called life. The past month has been filled with lots of firsts. I suppose you might say that about every month during a person’s first year, but I digress….

We took our first trip to Portland via train. Stead took Samuel and I to the train station super early in the morning and the little dude and I adventured north looking out the window and enjoying our respective breakfasts (coffee for me, baby milkshake i.e. bottle for Samuel). The two of us wandered around the neighborhoods surrounding Lloyd Center most of the day and Stead joined us later that night. Though both boys came down with nasty colds it was still a fun couple of days out of town together.

Speaking of colds, that is another milestone we survived – our first true baby cold. Green gunk filling the face and all, we made it! We took lots of showers, lathered on the baby chest rub ointment, bought a cool humidifier, and cuddled a lot. It took a few days but Samuel came out on the other side. Sadly, Stead has spent most of this month continuing to fight said cold as it became something nastier in his chest. But we are so close to being 100% healthy again – so close!

Thanksgiving was mellow seeing as it was just the 3 of us and Stead ended up going into urgent care in search of much needed antibiotics. Nevertheless, we still had a festive day. Mellow, but festive. Samuel and I did the Turkey Stuffer 5K, a fun run that benefits Springfield’s summer kids programs. Stead was to sick to go so he proudly wore his 5K shirt in solidarity with us from the couch. Samuel did great (he slept most of it) and though I walked more than I had originally hoped I would we strongly crossed the finish line jogging stroller and all. It felt good to get out and play a bit before the gray, cold rain hit.

Some other Samuel highlights this month:
*Baby boy officially has 2 teeth! And they are SHARP.
*He eats pretty much whatever you give him except mashed potatoes. Those he rejects with a grimace that says: “What the heck is that and why are you shoving it into my mouth?”
*Samuel has discovered how to put his legs underneath him and stand all on his own! Stead lowered the crib mattress so he can’t do a super hero pull-up and tumble out early in the morning.
*Swim lessons are a weekly highlight. He is the most enthusiastic splasher in his class.img_0639

Another highlight of the month: Stead’s birthday! We celebrated a little early with a pirate party Stead’s parents put together for him. We are excited to celebrate with him a little more once he is all better!