The Adventures of the Halstead Fam!

Currency exchange fun


Sarah is saying her goodbyes to family and I’m knee deep in paperwork. No worries though, we have two hours still until boarding.

In our paperless trip and world, it’s starting to feel like I’m packing a small book with us. TravelEx is mostly to blame. I got all the pamphlets I could to start determining if our currency change just took all our money. So far, it looks like we came out OK!

We did manage to get a chip and pin card from TravelEx. That’s good, because we’ve had some advice that mag stripe cards are less and less accepted. Also, the automated bike systems in London and Paris only accept chip and pin!

Alright, back to the paperwork. Next post… From London!? After we find some breakfast fish and chips, of course! (Time change, it will be 2pm in London, but 6am Eugene, so we’re going for it!)