The Adventures of the Halstead Fam!

39 Weeks & Waiting….

We are on the edge of the end of our pregnancy journey with Baby Halstead!  Earlier this week our NCU coworkers & friends helped us to prepare and celebrate by throwing us an adorable adventure-based baby shower.  There were treats & diapers galore!  And many of the new NCU moms were kind with advice & gave me some essential recovery items that will come very much in handy when we come home from the hospital.  Once again I failed at taking pictures – you’ll just have to trust us that it was AWESOME!

We continue to wait and anticipate the arrival of our little one.  We are so excited to actually see our baby face to face and hold baby close.  The hospital bag is packed, the nursery is ready for Stead’s parents to bring the furniture his dad, Tim, has spent so much loving time building.  My mom is constantly filling her gas tank to make sure it’s full so she can come up when we call.  We all are in the waiting game….