The Adventures of the Halstead Fam!

Waterfalls & Cliffs in the Alps

Yesterday we left our tent village to explore a few specials spots in the Alps that rise above the valley where Interlaken rests in Switzerland. First we hoped a bus, then a train. Then, we walked and walked and walked! Our first mission was to find Trümmlbach Falls. This waterfall has poured down the cliff side from the melting glacier above for so long with such force that it has actually cut 10 waterfalls into the rock. But, before we got there we came across another waterfall that you can climb up and behind. It was on the way, so of course we stopped and found a geocache there.


After an hour or so of wandering down the trail we came to Trümmlbach Falls. When you enter the observation area you pay 10 swiss franks and take an old elevator half way up into the caves of yhe falls. Then you explore! We tried taking pictures but nothing could capture it.




From the falls we hiked up the valley a little further to a gondola station and rode up some crazy steep cliffs to Mürren. This tiny town is simple, beautiful, and very secluded. The only way to get there is via gondola (James Bond theme song included in the ride) or a 2-3 hr steep hike up the other side. Since we gondolaed up, we hiked down to Lauterbrunnen where we could hope a bus back to Interlaken.




This trail is crazy steep – no part of it is flat. When we were maybe a third of the way down some other hikers told us a bridge was out because of a recent landslide. They said it was passable, but to proceed with caution.


Obviously we traversed the obstacle successfully! It was muddy and steep, and if we had fallen it would have been a long, sad drop. But, I promise mom, we were careful and smart.

Our legs and feet ached even today from that crazy downhill hike! But it was beautiful! And dinner, a swiss mix plate of different meats, and an apple strudel dessert from a local Bier Haus, tasted awesome and well deserved.
